Provides operations with Budget entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/Budget |
Gets Budget entities |
Provides operations with Category entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/Category |
Gets Category entities |
GET V3/odata/Category({key}) |
Gets Category entity by key |
POST V3/odata/Category |
Inserts Category entity |
PUT V3/odata/Category({key}) |
Updates Category entity |
DELETE V3/odata/Category({key}) |
Deletes Category entity |
Provides operations with change tracking versions of simple rows
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/ChangeTrackingChange/GetChanges |
Gets ChangeTrackingChange objects by EntityTypeId as value of enum EntityTypeWithChangeTracking from specified version |
Provides operations with change tracking version of provided entity
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/ChangeTrackingVersion({key}) |
Gets ChangeTrackingVersion object by key as value of enum EntityTypeWithChangeTracking |
Provides operations with Company entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/Company |
Inserts Company entity |
PUT V3/odata/Company({key}) |
Updates Company entity |
DELETE V3/odata/Company({key}) |
Deletes Company entity |
GET V3/odata/Company({key}) |
Gets Company entity by key |
Provides operations with CostCenter entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/CostCenter |
Gets CostCenter entities |
GET V3/odata/CostCenter({key}) |
Gets CostCenter entity by key |
POST V3/odata/CostCenter |
Inserts CostCenter entity |
PUT V3/odata/CostCenter({key}) |
Updates CostCenter entity |
DELETE V3/odata/CostCenter({key}) |
Deletes CostCenter entity |
Provides operations with Currency entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/Currency |
Gets Currency entities |
GET V3/odata/Currency({key}) |
Gets Currency entity by key |
POST V3/odata/Currency |
Inserts Currency entity |
PUT V3/odata/Currency({key}) |
Updates Currency entity |
DELETE V3/odata/Currency({key}) |
Deletes Currency entity |
Provides operations with CustomerCompany entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/CustomerCompany |
Inserts CustomerCompany entity |
PUT V3/odata/CustomerCompany({key}) |
Updates CustomerCompany entity |
DELETE V3/odata/CustomerCompany({key}) |
Deletes CustomerCompany entity |
GET V3/odata/CustomerCompany({key}) |
Gets CustomerCompany entity by key |
Provides operations with day task planning entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/DayTaskPlanning |
Inserts DayTaskPlanning entity |
PUT V3/odata/DayTaskPlanning({key}) |
Updates DayTaskPlanning entity |
DELETE V3/odata/DayTaskPlanning({key}) |
Deletes DayTaskPlanning entity |
GET V3/odata/DayTaskPlanning({key}) |
Gets entity by key |
Provides operations with EmployeeCompany entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/EmployeeCompany |
Inserts EmployeeCompany entity |
PUT V3/odata/EmployeeCompany({key}) |
Updates EmployeeCompany entity |
DELETE V3/odata/EmployeeCompany({key}) |
Deletes EmployeeCompany entity |
GET V3/odata/EmployeeCompany({key}) |
Gets EmployeeCompany entity by key |
Provides operations with EntityChange entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/EntityChange |
Gets EntityChange entities |
Provides operations with EntityState entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/EntityState |
Inserts EntityState entity |
PUT V3/odata/EntityState({key}) |
Updates EntityState entity |
DELETE V3/odata/EntityState({key}) |
Deletes EntityState entity |
GET V3/odata/EntityState({key}) |
Gets EntityState entity by key |
Provides operations with EntityValidationResult entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/EntityValidationResult |
Gets EntityValidationResult entities for time/expense entries specified by the header parameters |
Provides query which retrieves list of InvoiceHeaderIds of invoices that can be exported to given data source
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/ExportInvoice |
Gets ExportInvoice entities |
Provides operations with ExtendedProperty entities
API | Description |
PUT V3/odata/ExtendedProperty({key}) |
Inserts or updates ExtendedProperty entity |
Provides operations with FavoriteTimesheetEntry entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/FavoriteTimesheetEntry |
Gets FavoriteTimesheetEntry entities |
GET V3/odata/FavoriteTimesheetEntry({key}) |
Gets FavoriteTimesheetEntry entity by key |
POST V3/odata/FavoriteTimesheetEntry |
Inserts FavoriteTimesheetEntry entity |
PUT V3/odata/FavoriteTimesheetEntry({key}) |
Updates FavoriteTimesheetEntry entity |
DELETE V3/odata/FavoriteTimesheetEntry({key}) |
Deletes FavoriteTimesheetEntry entity |
Provides operations with Invoice entities
API | Description |
PUT V3/odata/Invoice({key}) |
Updates Invoice entity |
GET V3/odata/Invoice({key}) |
Gets Invoice entity by key |
Provides operations with InvoiceHeaderVatSum entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/InvoiceHeaderVatSum |
Gets InvoiceHeaderVatSum entities |
Provides operations with InvoiceLine entities
API | Description |
PUT V3/odata/InvoiceLine({key}) |
Updates InvoiceLine entity |
GET V3/odata/InvoiceLine({key}) |
Gets InvoiceLine entity by key |
Provides operations with InvoicingAgreement entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/InvoicingAgreement |
Inserts InvoicingAgreement entity |
PUT V3/odata/InvoicingAgreement({key}) |
Updates InvoicingAgreement entity |
DELETE V3/odata/InvoicingAgreement({key}) |
Deletes InvoicingAgreement entity |
GET V3/odata/InvoicingAgreement({key}) |
Gets InvoicingAgreement entity by key |
Provides operations with IrregularityPercentage entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/IrregularityPercentage |
Gets IrregularityPercentage entities |
GET V3/odata/IrregularityPercentage({key}) |
Gets IrregularityPercentage entity by key |
POST V3/odata/IrregularityPercentage |
Inserts IrregularityPercentage entity |
PUT V3/odata/IrregularityPercentage({key}) |
Updates IrregularityPercentage entity |
DELETE V3/odata/IrregularityPercentage({key}) |
Deletes IrregularityPercentage entity |
Provides operations with ItemCompany entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/ItemCompany |
Inserts ItemCompany entity |
PUT V3/odata/ItemCompany({key}) |
Updates ItemCompany entity |
DELETE V3/odata/ItemCompany({key}) |
Deletes ItemCompany entity |
GET V3/odata/ItemCompany({key}) |
Gets ItemCompany entity by key |
Provides operations with OAuthUser entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OAuthUser |
Gets OAuthUser entities |
GET V3/odata/OAuthUser({key}) |
Gets OAuthUser entity by key |
POST V3/odata/OAuthUser({key})/RefreshAccessToken |
Refreshes AccessToken on specified OAuthUser entity |
POST V3/odata/OAuthUser({key})/RefreshAccessToken2 |
Refreshes AccessToken on specified OAuthUser entity returning also ExpiresIn as additional information |
Provides operations with OverviewAssignment entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewAssignment |
Gets OverviewAssignment entities specified by the header parameters |
Provides operations with OverviewCompany entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewCompany |
Gets OverviewCompany entities |
Provides operations with OverviewCustomerCompany entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewCustomerCompany |
Gets OverviewCustomerCompany entities |
Provides operations with OverviewDayTaskPlanning entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewDayTaskPlanning |
Gets OverviewDayTaskPlanning entities |
Provides operations with OverviewEmployeeCompany entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewEmployeeCompany |
Gets OverviewEmployeeCompany entities |
Provides operations with OverviewEntityState entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewEntityState |
Gets OverviewEntityState entities |
Provides operations with OverviewExtendedProperty entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewExtendedProperty |
Gets OverviewExtendedProperty entities |
Provides operations with OverviewExtendedPropertyDefinition entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewExtendedPropertyDefinition |
Gets OverviewExtendedPropertyDefinition query |
Provides operations with OverviewInvoice entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewInvoice |
Gets OverviewInvoice entities |
Provides operations with OverviewInvoiceLine entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewInvoiceLine |
Gets OverviewInvoiceLine entities |
Provides operations with OverviewInvoiceMutationReason entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewInvoiceMutationReason |
Gets OverviewInvoiceMutationReason entities |
Provides operations with OverviewInvoicingAgreement entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewInvoicingAgreement |
Gets OverviewInvoicingAgreement entities |
Provides operations with OverviewItemCompany entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewItemCompany |
Gets OverviewItemCompany entities |
Provides operations with OverviewPaymentCondition entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewPaymentCondition |
Gets OverviewPaymentCondition entities |
Provides operations with OverviewProject entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewProject |
Gets OverviewProject entities |
Provides operations with OverviewProjectInstallment entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewProjectInstallment |
Gets OverviewProjectInstallment entities |
Provides operations with OverviewTask entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewTask |
Gets OverviewTask entities |
Provides operations with OverviewTimeExpenseEntry entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewTimeExpenseEntry |
Gets OverviewTimeExpenseEntry entities |
Provides operations with OverviewUser entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewUser |
Gets OverviewUser entities |
POST V3/odata/OverviewUser/Me |
Gets OverviewUser entity that corresponds to currently logged in user |
Provides operations with OverviewWeekTaskPlanning entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/OverviewWeekTaskPlanning |
Gets OverviewDayTaskPlanning entities |
Provides operations with PaymentCondition entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/PaymentCondition |
Inserts PaymentCondition entity |
PUT V3/odata/PaymentCondition({key}) |
Updates PaymentCondition entity |
DELETE V3/odata/PaymentCondition({key}) |
Deletes PaymentCondition entity |
GET V3/odata/PaymentCondition({key}) |
Gets PaymentCondition entity by key |
Provides operations with Project entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/Project |
Inserts Project entity |
PUT V3/odata/Project({key}) |
Updates Project entity |
DELETE V3/odata/Project({key}) |
Deletes Project entity |
GET V3/odata/Project({key}) |
Gets Project entity by key |
POST V3/odata/Project({key})/CopyProject |
Creates copy of specified project entity |
Provides operations with ProjectInstallment entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/ProjectInstallment |
Inserts ProjectInstallment entity |
PUT V3/odata/ProjectInstallment({key}) |
Updates ProjectInstallment entity |
DELETE V3/odata/ProjectInstallment({key}) |
Deletes ProjectInstallment entity |
GET V3/odata/ProjectInstallment({key}) |
Gets ProjectInstallment entity by key |
Provides operations with ProjectState entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/ProjectState |
Gets ProjectState entities |
GET V3/odata/ProjectState({key}) |
Gets ProjectState entity by key |
POST V3/odata/ProjectState |
Inserts ProjectState entity |
PUT V3/odata/ProjectState({key}) |
Updates ProjectState entity |
DELETE V3/odata/ProjectState({key}) |
Deletes ProjectState entity |
Provides operations with Task entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/Task |
Inserts Task entity |
PUT V3/odata/Task({key}) |
Updates Task entity |
POST V3/odata/Task({key})/DeleteWithDependentTasks |
Deletes Task entity with all dependent tasks |
DELETE V3/odata/Task({key}) |
Deletes Task entity orphaning all dependent tasks |
GET V3/odata/Task({key}) |
Gets Task entity by key |
Provides operations with Tenant entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/Tenant |
Gets Tenant entities |
Provides operations with TimeExpenseEntry entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/TimeExpenseEntry |
Inserts TimeExpenseEntry entity |
PUT V3/odata/TimeExpenseEntry({key}) |
Updates TimeExpenseEntry entity |
DELETE V3/odata/TimeExpenseEntry({key}) |
Deletes TimeExpenseEntry entity |
GET V3/odata/TimeExpenseEntry({key}) |
Gets TimeExpenseEntry entity by key |
Provides operations with VatCode entities
API | Description |
GET V3/odata/VatCode |
Gets VatCode entities |
GET V3/odata/VatCode({key}) |
Gets VatCode entity by key |
POST V3/odata/VatCode |
Inserts VatCode entity |
PUT V3/odata/VatCode({key}) |
Updates VatCode entity |
DELETE V3/odata/VatCode({key}) |
Deletes VatCode entity |
Provides operations with week task planning entities
API | Description |
POST V3/odata/WeekTaskPlanning |
Inserts WeekTaskPlanning entity |
PUT V3/odata/WeekTaskPlanning({key}) |
Updates WeekTaskPlanning entity |
DELETE V3/odata/WeekTaskPlanning({key}) |
Deletes WeekTaskPlanning entity |
GET V3/odata/WeekTaskPlanning({key}) |
Gets entity by key |