V2 : HTTP header parameters

Some requests allow extra parameters via HTTP header in form "[Parameter name] : [Parameter value]". Examples:

Data type HTTP header
Int32 "Number : 1500"
Int64 "Amount : 2250"
DateTime "Start date : 2024-12-22T17:55:32.37443+00:00"
Number list "Identifiers : 1|2|3"

Category entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Company entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

CostCenter entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Currency entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Customer entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Employee entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

EntityValidationResult entity set

Operation: Query

TimeEntryIdsToValidate (optional) type: IEnumerable<Int64> Represents list of identifiers of time or expense entries to validate

ExportInvoice entity set

Operation: Query

DataSource (required) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. Parameter is mandatory and retrieves invoices which are not exported to given datasource.
CompanyCode (optional) type: String Reduces set of invoices to those which are in company with given code.
FromInvoiceDate (optional) type: DateTime Reduces set of invoices to those which have InvoiceDate greater than this parameter.
LastInvoiceHeaderId (optional) type: Int64 Reduces set of invoices to those which have InvoiceHeaderId greater than this parameter.
MaximumAttempts (optional) type: Int32 Reduces set of invoices to those which have less than given number of synchronization attempts to specified data source.
ToInvoiceDate (optional) type: DateTime Reduces set of invoices to those which have InvoiceDate lower than this parameter.

ExtendedProperty entity set

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Invoice entity set

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

InvoiceHeaderVatSum entity set

Operation: Query

InvoiceHeaderId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of invoice for which the VAT sums should be loaded.

IrregularityPercentage entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Item entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

OverviewAssignment entity set

Operation: Query

AssignmentIds (optional) type: Int64[] Represents list of identifiers of assignments which should be loaded

OverviewCustomer entity set

Operation: Query

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the entity contains extra columns EntityStateDataSourceKey, EntityStateDataSourceDate and EntityStateIsError that contain related properties from EntityState.
TimeEntryEmployeeId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of employee for which the customers should be loaded

OverviewExtendedPropertyItem entity set

Operation: Query

ExtendedPropertyItemEntityId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of entity for which extended properties should be loaded. Parameter is only valid in combination with 'ExtendedPropertyItemEntityType'
ExtendedPropertyItemEntityType (optional) type: EntityType Represents entity type for which extended properties should be loaded.

OverviewInvoice entity set

Operation: Query

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the entity contains extra columns EntityStateDataSourceKey, EntityStateDataSourceDate and EntityStateIsError that contain related properties from EntityState.

OverviewItem entity set

Operation: Query

TimeEntryEmployeeId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of employee for which the items should be loaded. Used only when TimeEntryProjectId parameter is specified.
TimeEntryProjectId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of project for which the items should be loaded. Used only when TimeEntryEmployeeId parameter is specified.
TimeEntryProjectTaskId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of budget for which the items should be loaded. Used only when TimeEntryEmployeeId and TimeEntryProjectId parameters are specified.

OverviewProject entity set

Operation: Query

TimeEntryEmployeeId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of employee for which the projects should be loaded

PaymentCondition entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Project entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

ProjectState entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

ProjectTask entity set

Operation: Query

TimeEntryBudgetValidForAllDatesInRange (optional) type: Int64 If true, budget is returned if is relevant for all dates from startDateForBudgetApplication to endDateForBudgetApplication. If false, budget is returned if any of dates in startDateForBudgetApplication and endDateForBudgetApplication range is in budget's start/end date range. The parameter is only applied when application setting 'Entries outside budget start/end dates' is set to 'Deny' and is only valid in combination with 'TimeEntryStartDateForBudgetApplication' and 'TimeEntryEndDateForBudgetApplication'
TimeEntryEmployeeId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of employee for which the budgets should be loaded (for time/expense entry). The parameter is only valid in combination with 'TimeEntryProjectId'
TimeEntryEndDateForBudgetApplication (optional) type: Int64 Represents end date for which budgets should be loaded (for time/expense entry). The parameter is only applied when application setting 'Entries outside budget start/end dates' is set to 'Deny' and is only valid in combination with 'TimeEntryStartDateForBudgetApplication' and 'TimeEntryActAsRange'
TimeEntryProjectId (optional) type: Int64 Represents identifier of project for which the budgets should be loaded (for time/expense entry). The parameter is only valid in combination with 'TimeEntryEmployeeId'
TimeEntryStartDateForBudgetApplication (optional) type: Int64 Represents start date for which budgets should be loaded (for time/expense entry). The parameter is only applied when application setting 'Entries outside budget start/end dates' is set to 'Deny' and is only valid in combination with 'TimeEntryEndDateForBudgetApplication' and 'TimeEntryActAsRange'

TimeExpenseEntry entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

VatCode entity set

Operation: Insert

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.

Operation: Update

DataSource (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.
DataSourceKey (optional) type: String Represents text identifier of the data source key. If the value is specified, the EntityState for given datasource and datasourcekey is handled.